Monday, October 14, 2013


                Last week was a low one for me, emotionally. Some of it was the steady grief of life here; some of it was the melancholy bent of my personality. The weekend found me self-pitying and wishing I could hide in my room for awhile. Then, into the midst of my unhappiness burst two unexpected and wonderful times of grace.
Saturday morning when I checked my email there was a message from a dear lady. Occasionally I have had the experience of feeling called to be praying something specific for someone without knowing why. I have learned over and over to heed the prompting even though I don’t understand. Often it has turned out that the Lord, in His love is calling me to something that person deeply needs prayer for. So much grace, that. To my knowledge I've never been on the other side of the equation before (the pray-ee instead of the pray-er if you will). Saturday’s email was changed that and it was a beautiful, hopeful, tender time.
                Then, wonderfully, yesterday afternoon happened. One of my very favorite people from my time in Ti Goave called. She was coming to Grand Goave to pick up something for her brother in law and did I have time to see her? Yes! Definitely yes! I caught a ride into the mission and we spent a sweet time talking and laughing. Laughing is very possibly the thing we do best together and how wonderful a friendship is that?  We walked part way up a mountain to meet up with her brother in law, laughing and sweating. Well, in the end we were mostly sweating. Time with this woman, catching up on her life and on her family left my heart brimming with joy.

                These moments left me with a renewed awe at the tenderness of the God I serve meeting me in my weakness and lifting me up. I don’t take these things lightly or for granted. Praise to You O Christ!

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