Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday Sunrise

     This week in clinic was a roller-coaster of emotions. (Really, what other kind of week do we have?) The first half was filled with the frustrations that come with working with sicknesses and people and the irritating fact that sicknesses don't go away just because I want them to. However,Thursday and Friday held some really specific and personal joys, moments of utter celebration. Hope was turning it's face to me and the work week ended on a high (and peaceful) note.
   This morning, for the first time in weeks, I slept in. In practice "sleeping in" for me means 6:45, but I didn't have to set an alarm clock, so it was glorious. When I got up the sun was rising over the mountains, reflecting on the water on the beach behind our guesthouse.

       It was cloudy this morning, which made the sun breaking through even more stunning. I couldn't help but think how symbolic it was, light piercing the clouds and darkness, beauty peeking out. A little cliche and a bit cheesy perhaps, but nonetheless true. So, I had a little gratitude with my morning coffee and it was lovely.

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